Saturday, 20 December 2014

Driftwood Association's Award Night

I am so humbled to have been selected Woman of the Year by the association. The nomination alone was just amazing to me and I was very much so happy for that alone. There were so many nominees who have done such remarkable things that winning was the last thing on my mind, I only thought "well gosh I'm sitting among an elite group". The award has really has given me the encouragement I need to do a whole lot more. When I think about being the youngest person nominated I realize that I have more time to do a whole lot more should it be God's desire. But I am thankful to have been recognized and hope I have sparked a desire in some young person to live a SELFLESS life. Congrats to all who were nominated for such amazing contributions to the community. My grandmother taught me that the life I live now will speak for me when I die. ANYWHOOOOO about my dress... I went pretty simple, didn't to buy anything so I guess this eggplant purple peplum was sitting in my closet for such a time as this...Purchased earlier this year from Asos with not an idea of where I would wear it.

With Ms. Jules the President of the Driftwood Association 

Man and Woman of the Year... it's an honor!

Some of the greatest people I know!

Alcindor is greatness, such an honor to be led by this young man, a cancer survivor who smiled through his fight. He's got that NOW faith. 

Clanardo just loves me different. Some former students remain in your life forever. 

My former student, this man is a testimony, I am standing next to a miracle. Cancer lost with him. Love him to pieces. 

I appreciate my First Lady way more than I can ever let her know... if anyone is praying for me I know she is!

My spiritual parents (Pastor and the First Lady)