Friday, 28 June 2013

Busy Body

It's been a while since I've posted, I've been crazy, ridiculous, stupid busy. Currently I am in Houston Tx where I am attending my 2nd of 4 Ph.D Residencies. I am so tired that my tiredness is tired. I have a final assignment due in a few hours and I'm so close to pulling my hair out. Well just thought I'd check in for a minute. Back to brain busting!!!! Later!

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Unapologetically Great

I am just so so so so so so so so so so in love with this shirt.... its says "I am unapologetically great, I make no excuses about my greatness". How awesome is that? Seriously. I am so happy to have gotten this from the Woman of Potential Conference at Change Ministries International. I saw the ladies setting up in the foyer earlier in the service and in my mind I said Lord "I can't leave without one of these shirts". Good gosh ProphetesS Teketa Williams started giving things out and almost gave this shirt to someone else but for some reason she rest it back down and gave the lady a bag instead... you better not tell me no foolishness bout coincidence....I say the shirt was "almost" given to somebody else" but look who's wearing it! I love the shirt and all it represents... let me not even talk about the message Prophetess Williams delivered....HOLY HEAVEN THE WOMAN COULD PREACH!